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 . . . where the author will write articles about life in Asia, writing itself, news and other posts he hopes will be of interest to his audience. Some past blog-titles were “Do You Want To Make Love To A Hundred Different Women In A Week?”, “How To Make Your Local Pawnbroker Rich(er)”, “Asian Baby Nominated To Become British After Attacking Pint Of Lager”, “Biting The Dust In Pattaya” and “Goodnight, Sweet Pillow”.

Finch Moves Towards His Fate

Well, I told it to them straight, I did. I told the Muslim who has wild drinking parties into the early hours, I told him to keep his cat out of our garden because said cat terrorises our chipmunk, lovely Miggy. I indicated he and friends should lay off the alcos because Muhammad disapproved. I shouted across the moo that the German who runs his short-time bar in Soi 6 should keep his dogs from crapping outside our gate. I told him he is a pander of large-known proportions and his dogs should defecate inside his gate NOT outside mine. I told the swollen Thai guy opposite the house to keep his dog inside his garden, that he was and IS his employer’s slave and that his aggressive dog was all his own and should bark and crap and pee and live within the confines of his garden. I told the next doorers to keep quiet and respect our space, and when I had had my say I went swiftly to bed. Fuelled by two bottles of beer and a couple of glasses of red wine, I had shouted my point, shouted it in IngThai*, too! The deaf ears will continue deaf all around, and the problems articulated will continue problematic because no one listens, and our moo is fated!

      I too am fated, but tonight I do not care because “d’unk”. Tomorrow, I will reason with the Fates, and my spoken words of anarchy will be accounted for! They may come and get me but I don’t think they will because what I say (and write) is of little or no importance.

      Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

*A combination of poor English and poor Thai

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